Time,Talent & Treasure
Mk 12:38-44 or 12:41-44 At the Catholic church I grew up in there was a stewardship push called, Time,Talent and Treasure. It must have...
Spiritual Director/ Companion
"We're all just walking each other home"-Ram Dass
Time,Talent & Treasure
What are the spiritual consequences of our self-reliance?
The Problem With Miracles
Taking your time with Bread
Two For the Road
Do you Have a Job, a Career or a Vocation?
Exploring the Road to Emmaus: The Challenges of our own Transformation
Rule Followers: Are You Missing the Point?
How do you spend your time?
Hearing the Call
A Voice Crying Out
Waiting in Line
The Heart Knows (Matthew 21:33-43)
Time for some humble pie
Friends along the journey
Simple Faith
Choosing a relationship
Craig in Spanish Class
Easter Sunday in Nashville
John the Baptist